The Tour - Amherst

Wednesday, July 10

This will be an historic day, the Heartland Tour will be coming to the Town of Amherst for the first time.  We have planned our own celebration of a more healthy active lifestyle.  

We will gather at the Amherst Stadium where there is plenty of parking and access to washrooms.

Join us - it is friendly, fun and free!

Our walks, rides and runs have been carefully planned for your enjoyment.  

In addition we are planning for a number of physical activities for you to enjoy in the Stadium - please return here for the details.

At our opening Dr. Nick will share some words of wisdom from his years of experience as a practicing cardiologist - what is good for the heart tends to be good for everything else as well.

Events will be supported, we will have some prize draws and some snacks.

Please join us to launch Amherst as Nova Scotia's newest Heartland community.

With your support we could even have Cumberland County declared Nova Scotia's Most Active County and claim the $2500 award for a recreation project in our area.


Location:  Start & End Point - Amherst Stadium (185 Church St, Amherst) 

8:00 – 9:00am – All event participants. Check-in/registration and jersey & t-shirt pick-up. 

9:00 – 9:10am - Opening with Dr. Nick and the Heartland Tour Core Team - Some words of wisdom from Dr. Nick and a group photo. 

9:10 – 9:20am – Warm up stretching

9:20am – All participants start their designated activities

54 km Road Ride - MAP

22 km Road Ride - MAP

8.4 km Road Ride - MAP

5 km Run - for novice runners

10 km Run - for more advanced runners

3 km walk

5 km walk

Line Dancing

Seniors' Chair Yoga

Youth Swimming

Youth Soccer

Youth Baseball

Youth Park & Playground Play

East Coast Athletes - Dryland Power Hour

Sunset Community Centre

10:30 – 12:00pm - Free refreshments, music and social at the Amherst Stadium