The Tour - Halifax

Saturday, July 6

Join Dr. Nick and the entire Heartland team when the 18th annual Heartland Tour gets underway in Halifax.


We'll start and finish at 224 Hobsons Lake Dr., Beechville (thanks to the Hallmark Dental Laboratory Ltd. for allowing us to use their parking area).  Hobsons Lake Dr. is in the Bayers Lake area near Access Nova Scotia

For cyclists there will be a 40 km road ride (Bike & Bean is the turnaround point) and a 20 km trail ride (high quality multi-use trail).

If walking is your perference then we have a 2.5 or 5.0 km options on the trail.

At the end of your event you will have the chance to win some prizes, enjoy a light snack and hear some words of wisdom from Dr. Nick.

It's all free - please join us!

Hallmark Dental Labs., 224 Hobson's Lake Rd., Beechville

8:00 am - check-in/registration, jersey and t-shirt pick-up.

9:00 am - 40 km Road Ride - download MAP

9:15 am - 20 km Trail Ride

9:15 am - 30 km Trail Ride

10:00 am - Trail Walks (2.5 or 5 km)

12:15 pm - Closing ceremonies including prize draws, a light snack and some words of wisdom from Dr. Nick.